Sunday, June 27, 2010

Google Search Fade-In: Privacy Issues

Ever wonder what the real reason could be for Google's Search fade-in effect? There have been arguments back and forth on aesthetics and animations etc.

My theory is that it allows Google to track your searches and build a better profile of it's users. How you ask?

Well - Google's "Web History" feature can be switched off making sure that your search habits are not tracked. However, if you are logged in to any of Google's services (like GMail, Picasa etc.) and then use Google search, your queries CAN be tracked..

Typically when I hit and if I noticed that I'm logged in, I click "sign out" immediately and THEN search. But because of the fade-in effect, most people would type their search request in and later realize they were actually logged in. It's a pretty clever (and sneaky) way to make people search and not realize they are indeed logged in and therefore identifiable.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shutdown/Startup scripts for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (64-bit)
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

Most of my work being in Identity Management, I usually try to load as many components as I can onto a single virtual machine instance. For example: Having Oracle Identity Manager alone doesn't help me much, unless I can test provisioning to Active Directory, Exchange, Oracle Database etc.

However, the downside is that each of these services typically use a LOT of memory and so I usually install them and shut them down till required. Most services (like an Oracle Database) are easy to bring up when necessary. However, I didn't find an easy way to shut down or start up Exchange services and so decided to write my own - especially since there are about 23 services that Exchange runs! I also didn't want to have a script shutting down each of the services individually.

From what I was able to analyze, the service hierarchy is as shown below.
  • Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology Service
    • Exchange Address Book Service
    • Exchange Anti-Spam Update
    • Exchange EdgeSync Service
    • Exchange File Distribution Service
    • IMAP4
    • Mail Submission
    • Mailbox Assistants
    • Mailbox Replication
    • POP3
    • Protected Service Host
    • Replication Service
    • RPC Client Access Service
    • Search Indexer
    • Service Host
    • Throttling
    • Transport
    • Transport Log Search
  • Forms-Based Authentication Service
  • Exchange Server Extension for Windows Server Backup
  • Exchange Monitoring Service
  • Exchange Information Store
  • Exchange System Attendant
As you can see, just shutting down the AD Topology Service also shuts down 17 associated services with it. This leaves 5 other services to be shut down separately and allows me to write a simpler, smaller script file.

Type the following into notepad and save it as a .bat file and execute.

net stop MSExchangeADTopology /y
net stop MSExchangeFBA
net stop wsbexchange
net stop MSExchangeMonitoring
net stop MSExchangeIS
net stop MSExchangeSA

Memory usage with Exchange running: 1.09GB
Memory usage after Exchange was shut down: 552 MB

That saves me a cool half gig of RAM! :-)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tip: Installing a 64-bit Virtual Machine Guest OS on a 32-bit Host

Most Operating Systems today are available in 64-bit editions – especially Server OSs. Some, like Solaris, have been truly 64-bit for ages right from their nifty SPARC processor.

So what does 64-bit mean exactly? It starts (as most things do) at the hardware level.

If the CPU is 64-bit, it just means that the CPU can address (and access) greater than 4GB of Memory (RAM). Of course, all this is pretty useless if you have a 32-bit OS installed on it.

Why? Well – if the OS is 32-bit, then all it can “see” is it’s limit of 4GB of addressable RAM - even if you have a lot more installed. So it, in turn, reports the 4GB to all the applications that sit on top of it. Think of this as an OS with 32-bit blinders on – where the OS doesn’t even know there’s more Memory installed.

This is, however, a simple description. I’m not going to go into all the details of what 64-bit computing offers in this post. I just want to cover an issue which I hit in setting up a 64-bit Guest Virtual Machine on a 32-bit Host.
These days, 64-bit edition OSs aren’t reserved for just servers, but are available right to the end user as well on personal Desktops and Laptops. Anyway, I had a need to setup a couple of virtual 64-bit OSs for testing on a 32-bit Host and hit an issue.
NOTE: If your CPU is 32-bit, ignore this post. This only works if your CPU is 64-bit and supports Virtualization Technology to begin with. Almost all 64-bit AMD and Intel processorts do support Virtualization Technology.
Problem: Unable to install a 64-bit Virtual Machine Guest OS on a 32-bit Host

My setup:
  • CPU: Intel P9400
  • Host OS: Windows Vista 32-bit
  • Guest OSs (all 64-bit)
    • Solaris 10
    • Linux (Fedora Distro 12)
    • Windows Server 2008 
Fix: Enable Virtualization Technology at the CPU

  • Restart your computer and during bootup access the BIOS.
  • Navigate to Virtualization Support > Virtualization and check the box to Enable Intel Virtualization Technology
  • Boot up the Host OS
  • Install the Guest OS

Thursday, March 18, 2010

WebLogic: Basic Managed Server Setup

*All the random domains/URLs used here are setup on a private, local network for testing HelloWorld programs! So please don't try accessing any of them over the internet! :-)

OS: Linux / Fedora Release 12 / 64bit
JDK: Sun JDK 1.6.0_18

I assume that you already have WebLogic (and a JDK) installed at this point and now just need to setup a working instance to deploy applications etc. I've seen a lot of times where the server that runs the WLS Admin console is also used to host other applications as well rather than keep them separated because it's an easy setup. This can work, of course, but isn't a good idea for a few reasons:
  • Eventually when you do need to run the applications in a distributed environment, it's not easy when your application sits on the same server as the Admin Server and you need to manage multiple instances, clusters, servers etc.
  • Shutting down the server hosting the application will shut down the Admin Server as well
  • It's better for application errors/exceptions, memory issues etc. in the application be restricted to the WebLogic server instance hosting the application alone rather than take down the WLS Admin console with it.
Ideally, it's nice to set it up this way (even in development):
  • Admin Server: Leave this alone to manage all your WLS instances, servers, deployments, clusters etc.
  • Managed Server(s): Should be a dummy node just reporting information back to home base (Admin Server) and do what it's supposed to do - serve up applications that you deploy on it.
I wanted to post this to show that it can be just as easy to setup WebLogic with a separate server for Administration and a separate Managed Server to host your application. This way you build and deploy applications in a distributed way on WLS right from the start.

In my setup, I have it installed under /usr/local/oracle/middleware/weblogic

Change your current working directory to where the WebLogic Server configuration script is located

cd /usr/local/oracle/middleware/weblogic/common/bin

Launch the Configuration Wizard and the first couple of screens should be self-explanatory.


The "Advanced Web Services Extension" is optional. I've enabled it for now. This typically just adds resources and services for Web Service development in the WLS domain - like adding a JMS queue in the default JMS etc.

In the following screen, make sure "Managed Servers, Clusters and Machines" is also selected. This will help setup the initial Managed Server separate from the Admin Server

The next screen basically asks for which ports the Admin Server will listen on.

You don't have to enable SSL here. It's just that I like having my development environment have "Production-like" environment settings so I can resolve any issues that might show up in a live system right from the start. There's no harm in setting up SSL at this point either - WLS just uses a sample certificate for SSL which is not trusted by an authorized CA (Certification Authority). I'll cover how to set this up in a later post.

This screen is usually the one left blank most of the time when the Admin Server (configured above) also double as the server where applications are deployed (not a good idea). You can click on "Add" and have as many Managed Servers as you'd like here. In a real-world scenario, these will probably have separate physical/virtual servers of their own. Yes - I've got SSL on this too :-)

We are not setting up a cluster in this exercise. Clusters are useful when you have multiple (as in more than one!) managed servers. We just have one here - so no need for a cluster setup.

Node managers are used to easily manage WLS servers across multiple servers. Once this is setup, you can remote start/stop servers from just your Admin Server and much more. Again, we just have one Admin and one Managed server in this exercise - so we don't need to set this up.

You can see in the summary that there's a nice, clean, separate setup of Admin and Managed Server.

Ok. So at this point, we have everything ready. Next step: Turn on the new WLS instances and see if they work. The directory that contains this new setup will be at /usr/local/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/GeneralDomain/ or similar.

Note: You do NOT need to start the servers in the sequence described below. Eventually, once you complete development and deployment of your application, all you will (hopefully) need to do is just start the Managed Server to serve up your application. Starting up the Admin Server would be done a few times when you need to administer the servers or applications etc.

From a command prompt, change your current working directory to where all the start up scripts for the new domain are located.

cd /usr/local/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/GeneralDomain/bin

Starting the Admin Server


You'll see a log messages scrolling on screen. Ignore any security notices about trusted certificates - all this is because SSL is enabled and we don't have a valid CA certificate deployed yet. Wait till you see something like this which indicates that the server has started up:

Server started in RUNNING mode

Starting the Managed Server

Start up another terminal window and navigate to the same directory as above. Then run the following command.
./ ManagedServer http://hostname:7001

The hostname:port would be that of your Admin Server. Again, you will see a lot of log messages scrolling. You will also get prompted for the Username/Password you would use to boot up the server (This should be the same as what you entered during configuration above)

Enter username to boot WebLogic server:weblogic
Enter password to boot WebLogic server:
Server started in RUNNING mode

You might see a warning (not an error) similar to:

Unable to find a WorkManager with name weblogic.wsee.mdb.DispatchPolicy. Dispatch policy weblogic.wsee.mdb.DispatchPolicy will map to the default WorkManager for the application bea_wls9_async_response

The WebLogic documentation indicates that it can be ignored (of course). But like many of us, I'm sure we want to get to the bottom of these things! Work Managers are classes/modules that help a WebLogic server manage it's work (d-uh). It is deployed on the Admin Server by default - but not on any Managed Servers. My thought is if it something is NOT deployed on a Managed Server (that too on a clean install with nothing on it yet), then why should the Managed Server reference it? Anyway, I do have a workaround (covered below) to make this annoyance go away - but I'm still trying to find out what this is all about. If you know - let me know!

Anyway, at this point:
  • hostname:7001 is where the Admin Server is listening for requests
  • hostname:7002 is the secure port where the Admin Server is listening for requests
  • hostname:7003 is where the Managed Server is listening for requests
  • hostname:7004 is the secure port where the Managed Server is listening for requests
Access the WebLogic Administration console: Open a web browser and navigate to http://hostname:7001/console
NOTE: "console" itself is a web application that hosted on the Admin Server

You will get a screen as below.

Once logged in, navigate to Servers and you should see the newly setup servers up and running.

Now, to fix the Unable to find a WorkManager with name weblogic.wsee.mdb.DispatchPolicy.... warning that shows up during start up of the Managed Server.

In the WebLogic Admin console, navigate to Work Managers. You should see the weblogic.wsee.mdb.DispatchPolicy Work Manager configured. Click on it and then click on "Targets" and basically assign this Work Manager to the Managed Server as well and click "Save".

You should not see these messages anymore on start up.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tips: Firefox on Linux

Some minor annoyances and their fixes
  • OS: Linux / Fedora Release12 / 64-bit
  • Browser: Firefox 3.5.8
Installing the Flash Player plugin

The Firefox browser included with Fedora 12 did not have the Flash Player plugin. This is probably because the 64-bit Linux version was still in alpha (as of this writing). Anyway, most of the information online for installation on Linux points to Mozilla directories that seem like the correct one, but really aren't (/usr/lib/mozilla, /usr/lib64/mozilla etc.). I should've been looking at the appropriate Firefox directory (d-uh). The lib vs lib64 thing also threw me off a bit.

Anyway, this is what worked for me:
  1. Download the 64-bit Flash Player plugin for Linux. I found it at It should be packaged as a .tar.gz archive. Untar it and find the file called
  2. Copy to /usr/lib64/firefox-3.5.8/plugins (Replace firefox-3.5.8 with whatever your Firefox directory is)
  3. Restart Firefox and browse to any flash-enabled website.
If the plugins directory does not exist, create it.

Removing/Uninstalling Language packs

Firefox also includes a variety of language packs which I'm sure are useful for some people that speak Armenian, Greek, Slovenian and Tamil - but for the rest of us probably a big NOT. I wanted to get all the unnecessary packs out of the browser, but Firefox only allowed me to disable them through it's Tools > Add-ons > Languages option. The "Uninstall" option was always greyed out.

I realized that you need to be a superuser for this. So....
  • Open a terminal window from Linux: Navigate to Applications > System Tools > Terminal (or any of the other 4 billion ways you can get a terminal window in Linux!)
  • Switch to the root account: Type su at the prompt and enter the password for root when prompted.
  • Start Firefox: Just type firefox at the prompt and it should start it up as the root account.
  • From the Firefox menu, navigate to Tools > Add-ons > Languages and start uninstalling all the packs you don't need.